Interview Questions and Answer
a. CAML(Collaborative Application Markup language) is an XML based language.
b. It is used by SharePoint to define the fields and views that are used in sites and lists.
c. It is supported by SharePoint webservices and by the SharePoint Object Model.
d. All the above.
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a. Data Defining Elements
b. HTML-Rendering elements
c. All the above
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a. CAMLQuery
b. SPQuery
c. SiteQuery
d. None of the above
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a. GetFields
b. ViewFields
c. ProjectedFields
d. Non of the above
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a. LINQ queries are internally converted to CAML queries by SharePoint
b. It provides strongly typed objects and so we have intellisense while coding
c. The DataContext class has to be regenerated if new columns are added to the SharePoint list
d. All the above
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a. Splinq.exe
b. Spmetal.exe
c. Sharepointlinq.exe
d. None of the above
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a. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server Extensions\15\ISAPI
b. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web server Extensions\15\Template\ClientBin
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a. WebTemp.xml
b. Onet.xml
c. Schema.xml
d. FldTypes.xml
e. All the above
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